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ロサンゼルスタウンがゆく! Los Angeles Town Blog
11/17/20 10:00

American English Language School(AELS)では、常に学生のために英語教育を提供し、目に見える成果で学生の高い満足度を維持しています。
American English Language School
When planning to study English in Los Angeles, there are so many schools to choose from. How can you be sure you are choosing the best school for your money?
At American English Language School (AELS), students will always be satisfied with their English education and know they are getting the most out of their time and money. Since 2008, AELS has provided the best English language school for students in Los Angeles, guaranteeing results of a TOEFL score of 70 or a TOEIC score of 700 to students who complete their ESL program.
AELS is the most affordable language school in the USA, giving students the most value for their money. Compared to other language school tuition in LA, AELS’s tuition is a fraction of the price, and they even offer many discounts. They offer $500 off tuition for transfer students and even a discount for students who pay for their classes in full upfront! There is no denying the savings students get from attending AELS, not to mention the great education!
Each class in AELS has an average of 5-6 students, and a maximum of 8 students in each class. This allows students to get immediate feedback from teachers, get more practice speaking English during class, and helpsthem feel more comfortable during class being with the same classmates in each class.
What makes AELS different from other language schools is their ESL guarantee program. They want students to succeed with them, not to waste your time and money. As stated before, their guarantee is for students to achieve a TOEFL score of 70 or a TOEIC score of 700. Students who commit to one year of completing their ESL program are eligible for this program. If students do not reach the promised test scores, they will be able to take a class for FREE.
There are many benefits to studying English at AELS such as the small class sizes, our guaranteed results, and of course, our discounts and low prices! No other English language school will offer you such a reasonable price for such a quality education. Enroll in a class to start improving your English today!
To find out more information about how American English Language School will help you improve your English and save, call or email us at (714) 990-4657 or info@aels.edu.
American English Language School(AELS)では、常に学生のために英語教育を提供し、目に見える成果で学生の高い満足度を維持しています。
American English Language School
When planning to study English in Los Angeles, there are so many schools to choose from. How can you be sure you are choosing the best school for your money?
At American English Language School (AELS), students will always be satisfied with their English education and know they are getting the most out of their time and money. Since 2008, AELS has provided the best English language school for students in Los Angeles, guaranteeing results of a TOEFL score of 70 or a TOEIC score of 700 to students who complete their ESL program.
AELS is the most affordable language school in the USA, giving students the most value for their money. Compared to other language school tuition in LA, AELS’s tuition is a fraction of the price, and they even offer many discounts. They offer $500 off tuition for transfer students and even a discount for students who pay for their classes in full upfront! There is no denying the savings students get from attending AELS, not to mention the great education!
Each class in AELS has an average of 5-6 students, and a maximum of 8 students in each class. This allows students to get immediate feedback from teachers, get more practice speaking English during class, and helpsthem feel more comfortable during class being with the same classmates in each class.
What makes AELS different from other language schools is their ESL guarantee program. They want students to succeed with them, not to waste your time and money. As stated before, their guarantee is for students to achieve a TOEFL score of 70 or a TOEIC score of 700. Students who commit to one year of completing their ESL program are eligible for this program. If students do not reach the promised test scores, they will be able to take a class for FREE.
There are many benefits to studying English at AELS such as the small class sizes, our guaranteed results, and of course, our discounts and low prices! No other English language school will offer you such a reasonable price for such a quality education. Enroll in a class to start improving your English today!
To find out more information about how American English Language School will help you improve your English and save, call or email us at (714) 990-4657 or info@aels.edu.