ロサンゼルス・オレンジカウンティ今週末のイベント一覧!【2月7日~2月9日】こんにちは、みなさん! 今週末のイベント情報になります🤗 -------------------------------イベント情報カレンダーは「この日のイベント情報一覧はこちら!」よりご覧いただ...続きを読む
サンディエゴ:今週末のイベント!【2月7日~2月9日】こんにちは、みなさん!さて、早速ですが今週末のイベント情報です。 -------------------------------イベント情報カレンダーは「この日のイベント情報一覧はこちら!」よりご覧い...続きを読む
オオタニ工務店より高齢者のための自宅リモデル講座を無料開催!今回は、オオタニ工務店さんより、非営利ボランティア団体 Nalc USA 主催の「高齢者のための無料自宅リモデル講座」のご案内です。 💻オンライン開催のため、どこからでもご参加いただけます。 ...続きを読む
人気の日本食レストランも参加! 本日スタート🎉「Onigiri Action with Sakana」🍙✨サンディエゴでTABLE FOR TWOとJETROが「おにぎりアクション with SAKANA」キャンペーンを開催!「おにぎりアクション with SAKANA」とは? TABLE FOR T...続きを読む
ビジネスやサービスを多くの人に知ってほしいという方におすすめ!コラム Column
Three reasons why you need to update your website
Is everyone updating their websites?
Many websites are built with a lot of time and money when they are first created.
However, once it is up and running, the site is often left as it is and not changed for years. These sites often have an "What's New" section that has not been updated, or a copyright notice that is years out of date. Also, if the site was last updated, it may not be compatible with smartphones, making it unreadable on them.
There are several reasons to update your site. I will discuss a few of them that you should be aware of.
(1) If your site is not updated, you will not get repeat visitors.
This is the same as in a store, if you always have the same products on your site, there is no need to visit again and again once you have seen them. If you want to keep customers interested in your company, you should redecorate, rearrange your products, update your menu, etc. You can think of updating your information as being like redecorating a store.
(2) Rank in search engines will drop.
If you do not update your site, search sites such as Google will lower your site's listing order; Google also needs to provide new information for its customers. Therefore, updating your site is necessary to improve (and maintain) your site's ranking.
(3) Is it compliant with the law?
A website must be considered a public place, and in a public place, it must be made available to all people in a safe and secure manner. At the very least, it must demonstrate that it is making every effort to make the site accessible to all. If not, you could be sued under the American Disability Act (ADA). This is a guideline that is updated frequently, so you need to at least show that you are responsive.
These are the three main reasons to update your site. Of course, you may also consider using your website to announce or promote new products, or to express your sympathy in the event of a disaster, etc. Your website is the face of your company to society. We believe that even small updates should be made as often as possible.
We believe that your website should be updated as often as possible, even if it is a small update.
Is your website ADA compliant?
The ADA, which stands for the American Disability Act, is a law that allows people with handicaps to access and use websites in the same manner. There are no detailed guidelines for actual compliance with the ADA, but basically, consideration must be given to viewing and listening.
But basically, you have to take into account what people see and hear.
Of course, it is difficult to address everything on a website, but it is necessary to clearly state the stance and actions that you are taking to become ADA compliant. For example, making the site high contrast for those with poor eyesight, or adding a feature that reads the site out loud, can be set on the PC side of the site, not on the site itself.
However, you should make sure that the site is actually usable with those settings on the PC side of the site.
Although ADA compliance for websites is a legal requirement, the details of how to comply with the law are not specified.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has been developing and hosting web sites since 1996. We have developed and updated a wide variety of websites, from simple HTML-enabled websites to websites developed and updated using WordPress, as well as PHP and server-side program development.
We have developed and updated a wide variety of websites.
We have developed websites that can be viewed and used on both PCs and smartphones, as well as designed and developed SEO strategies. For smaller projects, we are prepared to do everything from replacing graphics on a website to designing and developing a site, so please feel free to contact us for both small and large projects.
Please feel free to contact us for any project.